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What happens when you get your kit off in a photo booth...

Writer: BoxboothsBoxbooths

Now, we have blogged about this topic before, but we thought we would again, and really make a meal of it.

Never ones to be party poopers, we love a fun, silly, crazy, creative or bold photo as much as the next person, and would never stop you doing so. Its not for us to say what you think is great, or if the Bride & Groom or party host would love it just as much as you.

More often than not, its the guys who are the bravest, but once the ladies sink enough wine, we never know who'll be whipping something out first!

A naked girl in a photo booth
You gotta love bravery!

Just a few nights ago, we had a lovely set of 'fruit & veg' laid out for us in a booth photo, and believe us when we say we have seen it all over the years.

Now just to be clear, we have no issue with anything you do in our photo booths or selfie pods (except damage), but we feel its only right to remind you of what becomes of those 'live in the moment' images.

You really should remember that even though it prints out, that 'digital' images still exists, and all those digital images get uploaded to a gallery for your hosts to download and enjoy.

And of course, most of the time a copy goes in the guest book (even if you don't stick it in, your friends might!).

If you use a photo booth, then we manually upload everything post event, which gives us time to filter stuff, but sometimes there are hundreds upon hundreds of photos and our eyes become a blurry mess looking through them all, and sometimes what we are looking for.... are small! (lol).

When we do spot anything, we dont remove it, but we do make sure it gets covered by a logo, a banana, a pixelated blur or a silly icon.

However if your using one of our selfie pods, those galleries are live, instantly. As soon as you create your image or GIF, our software has to upload it to our server for you to be able to get it in the form of a QR code, text, email etc.

Post event we can take care of it, but in the moment, its there!

So as we begin the approach towards the big Xmas party season, we thought we would just pop a reminder out there, that to be sure that when you take a deep breath, with the help of friends & wine, and show off your goodies, you know what will exist in our digital world.

A Big Thank You

To get your attention, our very own Sophie, kindly agreed to have a quiet moment alone with one of our selfie pods to get an image for this post (thank you Sophie, your bravery will not go un-rewarded!).

Of course, no on ever gets totally naked like Sophie has done for us, but you get the idea.

Much Love

The Box Team



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