And living in a society captivated by the likes of Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, it’s no wonder that photo booths have seen a resurgence in recent years.
But leveraging this visual trend goes beyond fueling your customer’s selfie appetites. If done right, it’s a powerful marketing tool that will increase brand awareness, engagement, your bottom line and more.
Here’s how you can leverage this new technology to make your event a success and boost your ROI.

The Lovely Woody Cook working our 360 at this years Glastonbury with branding from EE
Photo booths bring a brand to life.
The photos taken at your event will be shared on social media and seen by people all over the globe. Each view is a potential new customer for your brand/client.
But digital photo booths go beyond marketing your services. It’s a powerful way to get a brand out there by turning happy snappers into brand ambassadors by placing your logo onto the images.
Not only will the attendees associate the brand with a happy memory, but as the pictures are shared on social media, you’ll gain free brand awareness.
90% of customers are more likely to buy a product if it has been recommended to them by someone they follow online.
With digital content playing such an important part of the consumer buying process, getting into people’s feeds without a hard sell is paramount.
A digital photo booth is one of the best ways to do this.
Creating these memorable photos paves the way for a deeper connection with your target audience. In exchange for an Instaworthy image, you get an authentic spot in their newsfeeds that no amount of Facebook ads can buy.
By having your business associated with someone they know, you’ve already started to create a more personal connection. A connection that you can’t get through banner ads or sponsored stories.
The more people like, re-tweet and share the image from your event, the greater your chances of turning someone into a future client. Whether they already need your services or will in the future, the positive and personal connection will keep your brand in front of your competition.
Are your event attendees bored, uninspired and trying to hold back yawns?
It’s every event manager’s worst nightmare, but it’s unfortunately quite common. If you want people to attend your next event and get the most out of the one they are at, you need to keep them mentally engaged.
With a social photo booth. It’s a fun space where attendees can get creative, take a break from the information overload and even walk away with a new profile picture.
But apart from the increased social media engagement and coverage; photo booths have another effect that will make your event a success.
It’s an excellent networking opportunity.
Event planners that want to get their attendees mingling will find that digital photo booths create a positive interaction. As guests wait for their chance to strike a pose, they can meet new people. While striking up a conversation with a stranger is usually daunting, conversations flow more smoothly when participating in a shared experience.
Plus your guests will be having so much fun that they won’t even be thinking about when they can leave.
Bonus: If you want to boost lead generation at your event, make it an option to include an email address before use. Or if you want to find out what makes your audience tick, get users to answer a question or two before or after they take a photo.
B&Q, Total Jobs, and Guinness all went for various styles of branding and setups with us.
Photo booths don’t just have to be about silly pictures. With some creativity, you can spin this visual marketing tool to make your event stand out.
For example, use our photo booth to create a unique sign-in experience. Not only is a picture important for high-security events, but it will make the process way more entertaining and set the mood for the day.
It’s also a souvenir of the event that won’t land up in the trash or a pile of business cards never looked at again.
You’ll stand out from other brands and create a memorable experience that will lead to more business for you and your clients.
With all the brand exposure you’re creating, you need to make it actionable.
One of the best ways to get some ROI out of your photo booth is to include a discount or coupon with it. A QR code or a discount code is a great way to keep your brand on people’s minds after the event has ended.
Even better, run a competition on social media. Give away a prize for the most creative, crazy or funny picture. It will get your guests to think outside of the box and even more incentive to jump on the event hashtag.
Whatever you decide, it’s sure to drum up sales, get more eyeballs onto your site and deepen that first interaction with your brand.
With the amount of information we are bombarded with on a daily basis, quality should always trump quantity. Use our social photo booth to make your brand experience stand out and get noticed by your ideal customers.
A photo is more compelling than a business card and a marketing bag of tricks that will have people talking about your brand for longer than 30 seconds.
Much Love
The BOX Team
This article is originally from MyRoyalPhotoBooth